Does Bacon Sleep? #105

& a fun travel update

There’s no such thing as too much fun!

Are you ready for more piggy silliness? 👇🤩

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Self-Care Quiz 😴

How many hours of sleep are recommended for adults each night?

a) 5-6 hours
b) 7-8 hours
c) 9-10 hours
d) 6-7 hours

See the answer at the end. 👇

Does Bacon Sleep?

The piggy silliness continues, making the seriousness of being a healing and coaching entrepreneur less stressful.

Canadian Maple Bacon models self-care strategies throughout June. 😉

Self-care and sleeping might as well be fun.

However, first there’s a travel update.

CMB the Navigator

Canadian Maple Bacon, International Traveler

Canadian Maple Bacon, a.k.a. CMB, went international, a week after ‘birth day.’ (The day Sandra obtained and named The Pig.)

We navigate to Edmonds, WA. Then breeze through blue skies in North Cascades National Park. And cross into BC.

See the last beautiful BC pic at the end.

CMB at the Canadian border

At Kingston Ferry, Edmonds

CMB at North Cascades Park

CMB climbs mountains

CMB & Sandra see North Cascades

Self-Care Joke 🤣


  • Why did the pillow go to the doctor?

  • It was feeling down in the dumps!

Sleep & Burnout: Self-Care & Your Business ~ June’s Theme

“You’re not doing anything. You are going to sleep.”

My body had enough of overworking, and it wiped me out. The body ached with flu. My eyelids felt so heavy they wouldn’t prop open. Sleep.

When I’ve got work, I both stay up late and jump up early. And I know better.

What’s in this week’s blog video about sleep? I tell you now, so you can decide if it’s worth 9+ minutes to watch.

Knock, knock. Please Reader, is this helpful for you? Reply to this email and let me know if it’s worth the extra effort?

  • How your body and brain heal during sleep. (until 2:30min.)

  • Strategies (until 5min.)

    • Go to bed earlier

    • Turn off screens

    • Blue vs red light

  • Healing: Make Anything Possible (MAP) Method (last 4min.)

Watch the video for “Why’s,” details, and healing. 👆

CMB & Sandra model blue blockers

CMB shows off red lights


Change Happens One Action at a Time. 

Sandra Lee

by Kathy Muzik, Productivity Coach, Guest Contributor and Sponsor for Post #104.

​“Self-care equals success.
You’re going to be more successful if you
​take care of yourself and you’re healthy.”
— Beth Behrs

Sometimes, balancing your business and personal life feels impossible.

You don't need the media to tell you stress levels are high, manifesting as symptoms of chronic fatigue, physical illness, insomnia, irritability, decreased motivation, and difficulty concentrating. You probably live some of these every day.

Kathy Muzik

Phillip Torres, Unsplash

So, what's the solution?

The surprising answer is a regular regimen of self-care.
This would not have been my answer a couple of years ago, as I equated self-care with selfishness and self-indulgence. The term conjured visions of narcissistic divas, without a care in the world, lazing about getting facials, massages, and mani-pedis. My view of self-care was very narrow.
But I now see it differently. Self-care isn't about pampering; it's a critical strategy for ensuring sustainability and avoiding burnout.
As I've learned, there are many types of self-care, including:

  • Physical

  • Mental and emotional

  • Social

  • Professional

  • Financial

Let's dive into each. You likely don't associate most of these activities with self-care—I know I didn't.

For the self-care strategies, read the rest of Kathy’s article here.

Kathy lives near Chicago and founded New Path Productivity®, LLC in 2015. As a Productivity Coach, she helps small business owners worldwide stop the overwhelm of email, to-do lists, and information overload so they can be more productive, reclaim their time, and enjoy their lives. She believes when your life is better, you make the lives of everyone around you better. If you are exhausted, overwhelmed, and frustrated because you don't know where to start to fix it - take a deep breath. There is hope!

Wood Letter blocks


Here are trivia bits about Self-Care. Thanks ChatGPT!

  1. Sleep Importance: The CDC recommends at least 7 hours of sleep per night for adults. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to a variety of health issues, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression.

  2. Digital Detox: Reducing screen time, especially before bed, can improve sleep quality and mental health, reducing anxiety and stress.


    Sandra’s notes:

    About #1. My tendency to short my sleep contributed to getting sick. Sleeping more is always on my ‘how to improve’ list.

    About #2. As mentioned in the video 👆 screens impact sleep. 💖

Sundays with Sandra ~ Mexican Food

La Tarasca in Centralia is my favorite restaurant. I return to British Columbia with chicken tamales to share.

CMB waits

Take home - from Mexico to Canada

CMB ate the pickled carrots. 😆 We got another dish.

Mmmm, Tacos

Upcoming Master Class

Are your thoughts helping you in your business? Or hurting you?

Make progress with your business where you’ve been unclear or stuck.

Energy Alignment for Business Growth: Healing Techniques to Attract Your Ideal Clients

Healers and coaches finally start making money when they stop marketing from strategy and start marketing from purpose!

Want information when the Masterclass is ready? Please Reply to this email and let me know.

“I am READY to MAGNETIZE new clients!!! I feel motivated and HOPEFUL!” ~ Lisa Roche, participant in a Make Anything Possible Group Series


Money & Abundance Healing. Call in for Make Anything Possible healing with Sandra Lee. News for the Soul Radio, Weds, June 12, 11am PDT. Free. Telephone: (646) 595 4274 (Replays here.)

MAP Minis. Short Make Anything Possible Method healing sessions. Next is June 13, 12pm PDT. 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Thurs. Free. Facebook Thrive with Sandra Lee Group. Here.

Tune Ins. 10 minutes of Biofield Tuning healing. Next is June 20, 12pm PDT. Free. 3rd Thurs every month. Facebook Thrive with Sandra Lee Group. Here.

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Have fun!


Women healers and coaches hire me to grow their business because most are overwhelmed, scattered, and don’t have enough clients.

So I help them to identify opportunities for increasing their income fast, structure their business for sustainable growth, and tap into and enhance their intuition.

Bottom line, they increase their income and impact, guaranteed.


Sandra Lee

Intuitive Sound & Energy Healer

Self-Care Quiz 😴

How many hours of sleep are recommended for adults each night?

a) 5-6 hours
b) 7-8 hours
c) 9-10 hours
d) 6-7 hours

Silhouette grass blowing in the wind at sunset, Peaceful blue skies, soft clouds. Stock Footage provided by Pond5, by Ryan Janssens

Image Credits. Grass: Philipp Torres, Unsplash; Trivia: gustavofrazao, Canva, Getty Images; Food, Pig & Travel: Sandra Lee

Sandra's last words

"Nurturing yourself is not selfish – it’s essential to your survival and your well-being." ~ Renee Peterson Trudeau

Change happens one action at a time.

💖 Breathe

On the road to Penticton, CMB jumps out to see Skaha Lake and the mountains

Next week: Movement matters for your business. 🤓

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Breathe 🌅